Wednesday, December 10, 2014

New Eurowings

This is the new Eurowings livery on my fsx with the settings below on a heavy cloud setting:

 more after the break...

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Ultimate Experience

After having a massive trial and error session for weeks, am proud to have found my ultimate settings for fsx. Should work if you have your CPU running at  at least 4.5, a Nvidia Titan or newer at factory settings, 8 GB of RAM. Seriously the GPU only helps with the clouds.

I use Orbx Global, Orbx Vector, Orbix EU LC, Pilot´s ultimate, Traffic 360.

I seriously get 29 fps at all times: in heavy weather, heavy AI traffic at EGLL,  etc.

Read on if you don´t mind to try it out. Save your settings before you do. Make a copy of your fsx.cfg. Do a screenshot of your nvidia inspector settings. Enjoy!

Chapters are:
1. My fsx.cfg
2. Nvidia Inspector settings
3. Orbx Vector
4. Results

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

A350 cockpit view HD

A magnificent view of the cockpit interior of the A350.
when you see it, you will understand why airlines love this plane. It´s not the capacity that counts, but the commonality and the design. Stunningly beautiful.
open the full view on top left for best view:
a350 cockpit